The companydeals with metal-working, manufacturing of moulds, plastic articles.Sale of stainless steel.Manufacturing of production tools for moulds and stamps.
Casting of plastic parts, Chipper blade production, Chipper knives, Clothes hanger production, Clothes hangers, Cork production, Corks, Covers , Custom-made plastic products, Electrode, Embossing plate production, Etching paste, Food industry engineering repair parts production, Footwear prevention, Grinding , Lid production, Manufacturing, Manufacturing of packing, Metal working, Milling, Non-standard metal construction custom-production, Nonstandard metal structures, Pipes, Plastic article manufacturing, Plastic articles, Press moulds, Profiles, Punches, Riffled sheets, Rolled metal, Sale, Sheets, Shoe prophylaxis production, Stailess steel sheets, Stainless steel, Stainless steel articles , Stainless steel welding materials, Stainless steel welding products, Stamp production, Technological equipment, Trade, Transition joints, Turning, We provide heat treatment and electrical erosion, Wholesale trade, Wires MIG, Woodworking cutting tools
Last changes in company data: 20.10.2024.