on workdays 9.00-17.00
Bubble film, Cardboard in rolls sheets, Corrugated cardboard, Corrugated cardboard boxes, Corrugated packing material for transport, Corrugated packing material standard boxes, Covering films, Disposable containers, Disposable dishes, Films food film for food wrapping, Films for thermal molding, Glass, Glass bottles, Glass cans, Glass jars, Glue, Glue pistol, Granule bags, Label preparations, Label printing, Labels , Marking dyes, Packing, Packing equipment, Packing materials, Palette wrappers , Paper, PET cans, Plastic biodegradable dishes, Plastic biodegradable pots, Plastic bottles, Plastic buckets, Plastic cans, Plastic containers, Plastic jars, Plastic pails, Plastic vesels, Plastic ware, PP cans, Printers, Protective angles for cardboard, PS cans, PVC cans, Rent of packing equipment, Ribon thermal printing tapes, Sealers, Strech film, String bags, Tape tapes for freight fastening, Tate tapes for tensioning made of PP metal, Technical service of packing equipment, Tensioners, Thermal formers, Thermo shrinkable chambers, Thermo shrinkable equipment, Thermo stencils, Tools, Tray sealer, Tunnels, Vacuum bags, Vacuum equipment , Vacuumizers
Last changes in company data: 10.01.2025.